Linro Care
Website Design, Brand Design
An up-and-coming Healthcare Recruitment business, Linro Care is owned by Recruiter Linzi Roberts. Although Linro Care’s website is currently a landing page, a landing page is still an amazing piece of marketing - therefore Linzi’s website contains an email subscriber form so that clients can be the first to know when her business officially launches.
Noticing a trend that most Healthcare Recruitment Companies predominantly used greens and blues throughout their identity, we wanted to think outside the box and make Linro Care’s branding stand out (just like Linro Care itself). Choosing to keep a bit of blue (however make this less clinical), I complimented this with a professional purple and fresh orange.
Linro Care’s logo features a dot above both the ‘L’ and ‘C’ - depicting a Carer and Patient when placed together within the Brand Mark.
An Email Signature is an important part of any business. Including Linro Care’s branding and Linzi’s details, I designed the Email Signature to be used on Linzi’s business email address.

18 August 2022